We have many years of experience in catering for a wide array of special dietary and medical requirements.
Medical Care
When registering your child, you are able to inform us of any medical conditions or special requirements. Our First Aid officers are trained in supporting children on camps and are equipped to administer medication and offer assistance if required.
The Camp Director holds detailed information on the location of the nearest hospital and medical centre to ensure swift action if any injuries or emergencies occur on camp. A trained medical professional is on call throughout each holiday season to offer advice where needed.
Dietary Options
We provide wholesome, nutritious food for campers to give your kids the energy they need for active, outdoor fun. We regularly cater for campers with special dietary needs.
CRU Campers often have nut allergies/anaphylaxis. We ask that your child does not bring foods to camp that contain or are made using nuts.
A Typical Camp Day
Breakfast – cereals and hot food.
Lunch – a hot or cold meal with salads or vegetables.
Dinner– a hot main meal with salads or vegetables, followed by dessert.
Snacks – morning and afternoon teas and supper (only on some camps) include a selection of baked goods and fruit.
Fruit is available with all meals and snacks, as is water and other drinks such as cordial or juice.
Special Diets
We understand that many children have specific dietary needs. We work with you to do our best to cater for your child’s specific requirements. Below are listed some common dietary options offered at a number of our campsites.
Diet |
Description |
Camper needs to provide |
No meat or fish, no fish or oyster sauces. |
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No animal products (including meat, fish, egg, dairy or honey). |
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GLUTEN-FREE (Coeliac) |
No gluten-containing grains (wheat, rye, oats or barley) or their products or extracts (such as thickeners or malt extract). |
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No wheat, wheat products or wheat extracts (such as thickeners). |
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No milk, milk products or milk extracts. Soy milk is provided. |
Own milk if soy is not acceptable. |
See gluten-free and lactose-free above. |
Own milk if soy is not acceptable. |
See wheat-free and lactose-free above. |
Own milk if soy is not acceptable. |
No whole nuts and nut pieces. Using commercial kitchens, we cannot provide food that is free of traces of nuts. |
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A camper with a severe or life-threatening allergy must provide their own food for reheating. Unfortunately, most of our camps are unable to cater for dietary requirements outside those listed above. In these circumstances, parents may be required to provide special food for their child to bring to camp.
A few further notes:
*Three main meals are provided daily to suit the above diets. Fruit is provided when snacks do not meet your child’s specific requirements. Some campers may like to bring some additional snacks, however please do not bring nut products!
*Our administration staff must notify our caterers of dietary requirements fourteen (14) days prior to camp. Please ensure that we are notified of your child’s requirements prior to this date.
*If you are aware of commonly used pre-processed sauces or foods that your child is allergic to, please contact CRU Camps on 02 9874 8933 (option 1) to discuss further.