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We don’t want anyone to miss out due to financial constraints. With the generous support of donors, we are able to offer partial sponsorship to help parents cover the cost of camp. Costs may also be supplemented by a part payment plan.

Please complete the form below if you wish to apply.

CRU Camps Sponsorship Policy

  1. The sponsorship amount on general activity camps is determined on a camp by camp, and person by person basis.
  2. Sponsorship on more expensive camps (e.g. Ski camps, camps to QLD) is limited to smaller amounts, and applicants are advised to apply first for general activity camps.
  3. All sponsorships must be approved by the Director of CRU Holiday Camps before the camper’s application to attend camp can proceed.
  4. A member of the CRU Marketing team will contact campers and their parents (if under 18 years old) after camp to get some feedback about their camp experience. This is to help us encourage our supporters to donate to the ‘Adopt-A-Camper’ Sponsorship Fund and enable many more children to attend a CRU Camp. As your child will have benefited from this fund we strongly encourage you to respond to this request.


Camp cost and value

We work hard to offer quality programs at the best possible cost & prices.

  • Residential camp fees start at around $70 a day, which includes all activities, meals, accommodation, 24 hour supervision and transport (where listed).
  • Day camp fees start at around $50 a day, which includes all activities, meals, supervision and transport (unless specified).
  • A camper Sponsorship Fund exists to help all vulnerable families send their children on camp.

Considering all of the outcomes and inclusions, CRU Camps are great value.
Included in the price of a residential CRU Camp is 5-7 days of:

  • Food (3 meals a day plus snacks)
  • Accommodation
  • All activities
  • Supervision and exceptional care from a great team of young adult Christian leaders
  • Transport to and from most camps

CRU Camps offer over 70 camps a year with a huge variety of unique activities. As such, prices vary across each camp type.

Included in the price of a CRU Day Camp is 4-5 days of:

  • Lunch and snacks
  • All activities and outings
  • Supervision and exceptional care from a great team of young adult Christian leaders
  • Daily transport from specified locations (where listed)


We want every child to enjoy the CRU Camp experience and generous donors help to make this possible through our Sponsorship Fund. If you are unable to send your child on a CRU Camp for financial or other reasons, we encourage you to apply to Crusaders’ Sponsorship Fund or call the Crusader Benevolent Services office on (02) 9188 9723.

Help a child to go on a CRU Camp

We want every child to enjoy the CRU Camp experience. Please consider donating to our Sponsorship Fund to help make this possible.

We have many years of experience in catering for a wide array of special dietary and medical requirements.

Medical Care

When registering your child, you are able to inform us of any medical conditions or special requirements. Our First Aid officers are trained in supporting children on camps and are equipped to administer medication and offer assistance if required.

The Camp Director holds detailed information on the location of the nearest hospital and medical centre to ensure swift action if any injuries or emergencies occur on camp. A trained medical professional is on call throughout each holiday season to offer advice where needed.

Dietary Options

We provide wholesome, nutritious food for campers to give your kids the energy they need for active, outdoor fun. We regularly cater for campers with special dietary needs.

CRU Campers often have nut allergies/anaphylaxis. We ask that your child does not bring foods to camp that contain or are made using nuts.

A Typical Camp Day

Breakfast – cereals and hot food.
Lunch – a hot or cold meal with salads or vegetables.
Dinner– a hot main meal with salads or vegetables, followed by dessert.
Snacks – morning and afternoon teas and supper (only on some camps) include a selection of baked goods and fruit.

Fruit is available with all meals and snacks, as is water and other drinks such as cordial or juice.

Special Diets

We understand that many children have specific dietary needs. We work with you to do our best to cater for your child’s specific requirements. Below are listed some common dietary options offered at a number of our campsites.

Diet Description Camper needs to provide
VEGETARIAN No meat or fish, no fish or oyster sauces.
VEGAN No animal products (including meat, fish, egg, dairy or honey).
GLUTEN-FREE (Coeliac) No gluten-containing grains (wheat, rye, oats or barley) or their products or extracts (such as thickeners or malt extract).
WHEAT-FREE No wheat, wheat products or wheat extracts (such as thickeners).
LACTOSE FREE No milk, milk products or milk extracts. Soy milk is provided. Own milk if soy is not acceptable.
GLUTEN & LACTOSE-FREE See gluten-free and lactose-free above. Own milk if soy is not acceptable.
WHEAT-FREE & LACTOSE-FREE See wheat-free and lactose-free above. Own milk if soy is not acceptable.
NUT ALLERGY No whole nuts and nut pieces. Using commercial kitchens, we cannot provide food that is free of traces of nuts.

A camper with a severe or life-threatening allergy must provide their own food for reheating. Unfortunately, most of our camps are unable to cater for dietary requirements outside those listed above. In these circumstances, parents may be required to provide special food for their child to bring to camp.

A few further notes:

*Three main meals are provided daily to suit the above diets. Fruit is provided when snacks do not meet your child’s specific requirements. Some campers may like to bring some additional snacks, however please do not bring nut products!
*Our administration staff must notify our caterers of dietary requirements fourteen (14) days prior to camp. Please ensure that we are notified of your child’s requirements prior to this date.
*If you are aware of commonly used pre-processed sauces or foods that your child is allergic to, please contact CRU Camps on 02 9874 8933 (option 1) to discuss further.

Videos From Camper Parents

We often receive encouraging letters and emails giving us positive feedback on CRU Camps. You can read some of the comments we’ve received below:

“My year 10 son was very reluctant to go to camp, but when I picked him up at the end of camp he was a different young man! He said it was ‘the best camp I have EVER been on,’ and can he please go next year. Thanks to the great leaders!” – Sally, parent

“Our son had a great time at his first CRU Camp…and it gave his sister in Year 12 a chance to study in peace at home! Thank you for taking good care of him.” – Sue, parent

“My son just got back from study camp and got a lot out of it…both study and Christian reinforcement. How do I book for next holidays?!” – Liz, parent

What campers are saying about CRU Camps

95% of campers said that they would come on another camp and recommend CRU Camps to their friends.

CRU Holiday Campers

“It was so much fun and I can’t wait to get all my friends to come with me next time” – Jaime, Summer Trails

“Best five days of the year” – Aaron, Gamezone

“CRU Camps are an experience you would only miss if you don’t know about it” – Melissa, Hunter Hype

“I am so going on another CRU Camp because this one was awesome!” – Niamh, Getaway

CRU HSC Study Campers

“CRU Camps really helped me prepare for trials – thank you!” – Jacqueline

“I had a great time! Perfect balance between study and free time without the distractions of home. FIVE stars!” – Caleb

“Top quality leaders and such a well-run camp.” – Jess

“Most work I’ve done all year – I didn’t realise there was that much time in a day.” – Tim

“I honestly never imagined a study camp to be so fun and enriching” – Isabel

Over 900 exceptional volunteer leaders give a week of their time to lead on CRU Camps each year. These leaders are great role models who put caring for your child first, so you can rest assured that they are in good hands.

  • Camp teams are managed and led by a director who is the first point of contact for each camp. Directors are supported by Volunteersexperienced senior leaders and staff.
  • Energetic young adult Christian leaders care for and mentor your children throughout camp.
  • Each camp has at least one leader for every five campers, providing constant supervision and care.
  • All CRU Camp leaders are trained in child protection procedures, fully reference checked and screened in accordance with government child protection legislation.
  • Each camp team has at least two First Aid Officers who can offer immediate assistance if required.
  • We look to have a ‘camp mum and dad’ on Primary aged camps have to comfort young campers who may experience homesickness. This ensures they settle in to camp quickly and make the most of the camp experience.
  • Camp directors are trained in emergency procedures should an accident occur, and a trained medical professional is on call throughout each holiday season to offer advice where needed.

On every camp, safety is paramount and our leaders are trained to care for your kids throughout camp and make sure that they are making friends and having a good time.

Physical Well-being

  • A minimum of two Senior First Aid Officers are on every camp.
  • All recreational activities (such as abseiling or archery) are assessed for risk and run by qualified instructors.
  • Our leaders take all reasonable steps to ensure all campers wear appropriate clothing and sun protection for activities.
  • We provide wholesome, nutritious food for campers (including most special dietary needs) to give your kids the energy they need for active, outdoor fun.
  • All CRU Camps are drug and alcohol free.

Emotional Well-being

  • With one leader for every five campers, we provide unequaled care for your kids throughout the week.
  • We aim to encourage campers and build up their confidence and so we do not tolerate bullying or anti-social behaviour.
  • Camp parents attend camps for primary school aged children to provide extra emotional support for younger campers.

Spiritual Well-being

  • Our camps encourage the development of your child’s body, mind and spirit. Each day interactive Bible talks and small group discussions with young adult Christian leaders help your child to explore faith and investigate the claims of the Bible.

Child Protection

  • Since 1930, Crusaders has had an exemplary record of caring for children. We have strong and established child protection procedures.
  • All leaders must complete Child Protection Training and comply with government Working with Children regulations. See our full Child Protection Statement.


CRU Camps are very popular and fill quickly. If a camp is full it is still a good idea to register your child for a place on the waiting list in case we are able to open more spots or another camper of the same gender as your child cancels.

Registering for the waiting list is easy:

  • You do not need to pay any of the camp fee.
  • You can register for as many waiting lists as you like. We will contact you as soon as a place becomes available on one of the camps. At this point you can choose to accept the place and provide payment or decline the place.
  • You can place your child on a waiting list for their first camp preference and also register them fully for a second camp. If a place becomes available on their first camp preference, you can transfer the registration for a small transfer fee. See terms and conditions.
  • Waiting list places are offered in order of registrations received, and you will be contacted if a place becomes available. You will need to respond to us within the set time period outlined to secure the place.
  • We understand that your child’s friends may already be booked on a particular camp. Unfortunately, in order to be fair, no changes can be made to the wait list order for this reason.


autumn Camps

Camper Callouts

My year 10 son was very reluctant to go to camp in December, but when I picked him up at the end of camp he was a different young man! He said it was 'the best camp I have EVER been on,' and can he please go next year. Thanks to the great leaders!

- Sally Berry

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