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Volunteer Applications

Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task... 1 Tim 3:2

Once you have been invited to lead on camp by the camp director, you are required to complete the following to register for camp:

  1. Online registration.
    • To complete
      • Login to your MyCRU portal account (if you do not currently have a MyCRU account, you can create one here)
      • Search for your camp
      • Click the image or tile to view the camp details
      • Click ‘Volunteer’
    • You will require the following:
      • A NSW working with children check number (not required for those under 18).
      • Contact details of a referee who leads you in a ministry context.
      • Leader fee payment (see payment schedule here).
    • NB: After completing this form, most details will prefill if you lead on a subsequent camp.
  2. Online CRU Camps Child Protection Training Test Certificate
    • To complete
    • This is valid for 3 years.

Please ensure these items are complete at least 2 weeks prior to camp. Our office staff are required to process 100’s of volunteer registrations per season and having registrations completed in a timely fashion allows for all leaders to be approved for camp.


spring Camps


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Thank you for your patience.