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Crusader Benevolent Services

Crusader Benevolent Services

CRU Camps look to see all children have the opportunity to experience camp. Through Crusader Benevolent Services this includes children under the care of the Minister, children in exceptional care arrangements (e.g. Out of Home Care, Foster or agency supported care) and children who have significant medical and/or behavioural conditions. In order to help ensure that CRU Camp volunteers can care for children on camp well, a particular application procedure is required for children in these circumstances.

We understand that for some children this may appear to be unnecessary, however our experience has shown that children who have had exceptional circumstances and experiences in their lives are often likely to need additional care, attention and time from our volunteer leaders. This can in some circumstances over stretch these volunteer teams, especially if we are not aware in advance and able to plan for or limit the number of campers if deemed necessary. Our procedures have been developed in the interests of duty of care and to help ensure that each child is well cared for and that every leader is well-equipped to care for them.

The acceptance of a child in any of the above circumstances on one of our camps is at the discretion of the CRU Camps Management in conjunction with the camp director of the specific camp. To apply for a camp, caseworkers or foster carers must complete the online registration and the Confidential Camper Application (see below) including a behaviour management plan. Once this information has been received a decision is made based on all of the following:

  • the experience level and skills of our volunteer team
  • the number of volunteers on camp compared to campers
  • the number of other campers already registered on camp and any special care they may require
  • the applying child’s individual needs and circumstances

On occasions, we will request additional information about the child such as school, counsellor or psychologist reports to help assist in the assessment of the application. If a child has previously been on camp, their behaviour on that camp is also considered for future applications.

Confidential Camper Application Form

Form to be completed by applying agencies for campers who are involved with a community service organisation.

  • It is vital that we receive accurate detailed information so that we can make appropriate decisions and provide camp leaders with helpful background information. Failure to provide accurate information will likely result in applications not being accepted. Each application will be assessed by management. Applications (i.e. completed online registration & Confidential Camper Application including behaviour management plan) must be received by the CRU Camps office prior to 7 days from camp. Any application received less than 7 days before the camp start date will not be considered. Once the application has been assessed we will either approve the place on camp; suggest an alternative CRU camp; or deem the camper not suitable to go on camp at this time. This application process is particularly stringent for out of state / distant camps and will only consider campers, in this scenario, who have received a good report from a previous CRU camp. Please note that until this application is approved, a place on camp is not confirmed.
  • in case of CRU Camps needing to contact the emergency response team please provide an identifying number to indentify the child quickly.
  • Include here any medical conditions or disorders, and how they are being treated.
  • Privacy Notification

    The information you provide is confidential. If your young person is accepted onto camp then this information will be made available to the Camp Director and the young person’s leader(s) on a need-to-know basis. For more about how we use, hold and protect your personal data, please view our Notification Statement at
  • Camp Photos

    Our standard practice is to NOT include campers from OOHC backgrounds in any camp photos or marketing photos. If a carer wishes for their camper to be included in these photos, the carer must send an email to [email protected] giving permission for their camper to be included in camp marketing photos. While we aim to capture as many campers as possible on camps we can not guarantee every camper will be included in the photos uploaded online. Individual camper photos will not be sent out to carers.
  • Declaration

    If any of the child’s circumstances change between application approval and the camp start date I will pass on these details as I recognise this might affect the volunteers' capacity to care for the young person and whether it is still feasible for them to be on camp. During camp if I am unavailable in the event of an emergency (e.g. the child becomes sick or needs to go home), I have supplied two alternative 24 hour contact names and mobile phone numbers. The camper needs to be aware that they must abide by the rules the directors and leaders set, including following instructions, displaying appropriate behaviour, and not causing any threat to theirs or others’ safety. Should the camper’s behaviour be deemed unsuitable by the leaders and directors, they will be sent home. Should this occur, it is understood that I will arrange immediate pickup from the campsite (even if this is outside of office hours). I will provide emergency contact details in their online registration and below, and I have ensured that the camper, their carers, and other relevant parties understand and can agree to this arrangement.

See All Upcoming Camps


autumn Camps

Camper Callouts

I totally loved it! Best camp ever! Everyone was so friendly and welcoming.

- Lauren – Adrenalin Action

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